Pool Cues
We offer a nice selection of cues for sale. Our normal cue prices range from as low as $69.00 plus tax up to $189.00 plus tax. Our normal stock consists of the following manufactures.
Players Dufferin Rage Players Jump Breaks Sneaky Petes
We are also able to order any make of cue that we do not normally stock in house. These makers include Schon, McDermott, Meucci, AE, Joss, Jucasi, Universal, Pechauer, Predator, and Adam just to name a few.
Consignment program available for higher end used cues!
We offer a fully stocked case of Tip Tools, Gloves, Chalk Holders, Cue Claws, Towels, 8 and 9 ball key chains, as well as a nice selection of cue Cases. If we don't have it, we can get it for you!
Extreme Tip Tools Bowtie Tip Tools Pocket Chalkers Billiard Towels Tip Tapers Cue Claws Hard Cases
We will special order any billiard product you desire and cannot find on site.